DWWP Reports

Reports are compiled from external and internal sources. If you know of a report that is appropriate to add to this inventory please email: waterprotection@rdn.bc.ca

Region-Wide Reports

Water Region 1 - Big Qualicum

The Big Qualicum water region extends from Mud Bay in the north to Qualicum River in the south and from the coast to the Beaufort Mountain Range in the west. The total drainage area is approximately 292 sq. km. It includes all of RDN Electoral Area H and small sections of Areas F and G. The key surface water bodies include Horne Lake, Nile Creek, Thames Creek and of course the Big Qualicum River.

Water Region 2 - Little Qualicum

The Little Qualicum River flows north east from the highest point in the watershed in Labour Day Lake on Mount Arrowsmith towards Cameron Lake and down the Little Qualicum River to the Straight of Georgia. The total drainage area is approximately 251 sq. km. It contains parts of Electoral Areas F, G and H. They key surface water bodies include Whiskey Creek, Kinkade Creek and the Little Qualicum River. The Little Qualicum River is important for the Town of Qualicum Beach's groundwater supply.

Water Region 3 - French Creek

The French Creek Water Region consists of steep forested headlands that drain from the mountains at 1080 meters above sea level, and the more gentle topography of the Nanaimo lowlands. The total drainage area is approximately 121 sq. km. It includes most of the communities of Parksville, Qualicum Beach,and parts of Electoral Area F (including Hilliers, Coombs and Errington) and Area G (including French Creek, Dashwood and San Pareil).

Water Region 4 - Englishman River

The Englishman River flows in an easterly direction from Mount Arrowsmith at 1819 m above sea level and discharges into the Strait of Georgia, north of Craig Bay. The main Englishman and South Englishman rivers originate in Arrowsmith, Hidden and Fishtail lakes. Th total drainage area is approximately 324 sq. km. The watershed includes parts of Electoral Areas F and G and the City of Parksville.

Water Region 5a - Nanoose

This subsection of Water Region 5 covers the Nanoose area. The forested headlands are drained by small creeks such as Bonnell and Nanoose Creeks. The water for residents in this region comes from groundwater sources - the bedrock and sand & gravel aquifers that underlie this area. It includes RDN Electoral Area E, which is primarily rural residential and suburban.

Water Region 5b - Lantzville to South Wellington

This subsection of Water Region 5 covers the area between Lantzville and South Wellington, including the City of Nanaimo. The primary watersheds in this region are the Millstone River watershed and the Chase River watershed. The highest point in this water region is Mt Benson. There are many smaller watersheds, that are in urban/ sub-urban areas, such as Knarston Creek, Departure Creek, Cat Stream and Northfield Creek. This water region includes Electoral Area C, the District of Lantzville and the City of Nanaimo.

Water Region 6 - Nanaimo River

The Nanaimo River Water Region basin starts at Fourth Lake and follows the Nanaimo River down to the estuary across from downtown Nanaimo. The total drainage area is approximately 939 sq. km. Its major tributary is the South Nanaimo River (aka South Fork) which provides the drinking water for the City of Nanaimo. The land base for this water region includes RDN Electoral areas A and C.

Water Region 6b - Cassidy-Cedar-Yellow Point

This subsection of Water Region 6, the Nanaimo River Water Region, covers the communities of Cassidy, South Wellington, Cedar and Yellow Point. The Nanaimo River and Haslam Creek run through this area, but the main water supply for residents here is groundwater from the aquifers that underlie the area.

Water Region 7 - Gabriola and Islands

Gabriola is a populated rural island off the east coast of Nanaimo. It is approximately 53 sq km of low altitude terrain in the Coastal Douglas-fir Biogeoclimatic zone. There are no significant surface water sources on the island, so residents rely on groundwater and rainwater for domestic purposes.