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Englishman River Water Service

What is the Englishman River Water Service?
The ERWS is a joint venture between the City of Parksville and the Regional District of Nanaimo, formed to secure a bulk water supply from the Englishman River. This regional partnership supplements existing well supply sources owned and operated by the City of Parksville and Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area.
Why is this project necessary?
To ensure a safe and secure water system is available for now and the future. Island Health has mandated the improvement of water quality standards for surface water (river water) with a deadline for compliance of December 31, 2016.
What is the timeline for this project?
Construction of the Arrowsmith Dam was completed in 1999. Construction of a new river intake was largely completed in 2018, along with commencement of a water treatment facility and installation of large water transmission mains. The next phase of improvement is the construction of a new (larger) pump station on Northwest Bay Road to convey water to the Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service customers. The intake, treatment plant, pumpstation and new transmission mains are scheduled for completion and commissioning in the Fall of 2019.

Water Treatment Plant
To reduce initial costs, ERWS is proceeding with a phased approach which includes water treatment capacity of 16 million litres per day of membrane filtration, ultra-violet light (UV) and chlorine disinfection.
- Reduced health risks
- Improved water quality
- Ensures customers receive best quality water year round
- Will meet Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines
Water Treatment Plant
Location: Existing City of Parksville Operations Centre on Herring Gull Way
River Water Intake
Location: From the edge of Top Bridge Park

River Water Intake

- River fishery
- Community water supply for the future
- Increases amount of water available for fire, emergency and peak demands
- Less maintenance
Water Supply Transmission Mains
The transmission mains will deliver treated water from the treatment plant directly to the above ground reservoirs located in Top Bridge Park. From that point water will be delivered to the Nanoose Bay Peninsula Water Service Area via the Northwest Bay Road trunk water main.
- Increased supply and improved firefighting capabilities
- Improved water quality
- Enhanced operation and ability to efficiently deliver water demands

For additional information on the Arrowsmith Water Service and the Englishman River Water Service please follow these links;