Community Grants

The Regional District of Nanaimo provides community grant funding in order to assist registered non-profit organizations to provide social programs and services that serve a local community or provide a regional benefit.

The organization must provide a social enrichment service and demonstrate that the service fills a need in the community. It is the desire of the Regional District that organizations strive for financial independence, therefore financial need must be demonstrated and an application must be submitted in the form approved. Continuing support should not be anticipated.

The Community Grants Committee is composed of three RDN directors from the RDN Board who will meet one time per year, in the Fall, to evaluate applications and provide recommendations to the RDN Board.

To obtain an application and complete criteria information, please click on the links below or contact the Regional District Office listed below.

Deadlines for submitting completed applications are:

Last Friday in August
Submit completed applications to:
Finance Department
Regional District of Nanaimo
6300 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2
Telephone: 250-390-4111 or 1-877-607-4111
Email: inquiries@rdn.bc.ca