Emergency Social Services

ESS Logo

The Regional District of Nanaimo Emergency Program provides Emergency Social Services (ESS) as part of disaster preparedness, response and recovery. ESS is an emergency response program made up of dedicated individuals who share a common goal of assisting people in an emergency. The desire to assist people in a time of disaster motivates many volunteers to make a commitment to ESS.

Across B.C., ESS volunteers are prepared to assist their local community in the event of a crisis. When an emergency or disaster affects a community, ESS volunteers help provide the essential services necessary to sustain people until the community can return to pre-disaster conditions. During an emergency, trained support teams such as ESS can make times of crisis easier to manage. The general public can help with disaster response too, by becoming as informed and prepared as possible.

With your support for ESS and your commitment to personal emergency preparedness, our community can be ready to manage the effects of any future emergency or disaster. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact emergencyservices@rdn.bc.ca or 250-390-6565, or check out the Provincial Emergency Program website at Emergency Management BC website.

Emergency Services | 6300 Hammond Bay Road | Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2 | E-mail: emergencyservices@rdn.bc.ca
Telephone: 250-390-4111 (Nanaimo) 1-877-607-4111 (Toll Free) | 250-390-2757 (Fax)