Northern Community Economic Development Grants

Application Deadline

Spring 2019 - Friday, April 12, 2019 4:30pm

Grant Objective

The Northern Community Economic Development program provides support for economic development initiatives in the City of Parksville, the Town of Qualicum Beach and Electoral Areas E, F, G, and H. The Program allows the RDN Board of Directors to contribute to eligible projects that advance the Board's vision for a resilient, thriving and creative local economy.

The Northern Community Economic Development program is a grant funding program for projects that clearly demonstrate economic benefits to one or more of the communities participating in the program. All necessary information, including program principles, priority areas, eligible projects and costs are included in the Program Guide.

Grant Criteria

Projects will be evaluated against the following criteria:

Project Viability

  • Clear and well-defined project;
  • Strong potential for success;
  • Realistic goals;
  • Sufficient information provided.
Financial and Administrative Feasibility
  • Realistic budget with clearly identified capacity to undertake work;
  • Evidence that the funds will be well managed;
  • Demonstration of other funding sources.
Economic Benefit
  • Demonstrates quantifiable economic benefits to the Northern Communities of the RDN;
  • Leads to increased economic activity or employment in the Northern Communities of the RDN;
  • Will attract business and investment to the Northern Communities of the RDN.
New and Unique
  • Unique component is evident in the project - the work is not already being attempted;
  • The proposal does not replicate an existing event, program or project;
  • Support will not compete with existing businesses or generate unfair competition for small or local businesses.
Community Support
  • Well-articulated community benefit;
  • Demonstrates partnership with the community or other organizations;
  • Addresses priorities identified in the context of a community vision (Official Community Plan,
  • Regional Growth Strategy or Board Strategic Plan).


Please read all information before completing your application. Interested applicants must complete and submit an application form, along with supporting materials to:
Northern Community Economic Development Program
Regional District of Nanaimo
6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6N2
Digital submissions in pdf format can be sent to nced@rdn.bc.ca.

The RDN accepts project proposals at any time, applications however are considered by the Northern Community Economic Development Select Committee twice annually.

 Northern Community Economic Development Map