Woodstove Exchange and Outreach

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Increased Woodstove Rebates:

While incentives last, this year, the BC Provincial government has increased the incentive structure from $250 to $400.

The new $400 rebate is designed to provide great incentives for cleaner burning fuel sources with EPA/CSA-certified inserts. Therefore, if you exchange an old woodstove for electric, gas, propane, or pellet-heating you can receive $400. However, you will still receive $250 for exchanging an old wood stove for a cleaner-burning wood stove. In addition to the rebates being offered by the Regional District of Nanaimo, many participating retailers are offering additional incentives towards the purchase of an eligible appliance.

Woodstove exchange program

How to Receive Your Rebate

  1. To Qualify: You must have an existing wood burning appliance that does not conform to CSA B415.1 standards (typically an appliance built and installed before 1994).

  2. Shop: Contact any of the participating retailers to seek advice on a low-emission heating appliance to purchase. Many of the retailers are offering additional discounts and rebates at the same time.

    Upon purchase of your new appliance, you will be given a rebate voucher from the retailer. This form will need to be signed by the retailer at the time of sale and installation, and by RDN landfill or transfer station staff when the old unit is sent in for recycling.

    Note: Most insurance companies require notification if you are installing a new heating appliance. The value of the rebates cannot exceed the value of the appliance.

  3. Disposal: Your old stove must be taken to one of the authorized disposal locations to be recycled (whether by you or the installer). Upon disposal, your voucher will be signed OR you will be given a receipt, which will provide proof of destruction. This receipt should be attached to your signed rebate voucher.

    Disposal Locations:

    RDN Landfill
    1105 Cedar Road, Nanaimo Phone: 250-722-2044

    RDN Church Road Transfer Station
    860 Church Road, Parksville Phone: 250-248-5254

  4. Receive Your Rebate: Upon completion and return of the completed rebate voucher and proof of purchase, the RDN will provide a $250 rebate cheque. Submission must be made to the Regional District of Nanaimo by email, mail or in person at the RDN Administration Building:
    Woodstove Exchange Program
    c/o Sustainability Coordinator
    6300 Hammond Bay Road
    Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2


For More Information:

250-390-6510 1-877-607-4111