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Building Permit Application Fees

Regional District of Nanaimo Building Fees and Charges Bylaw No 1595, 2010
- Permit Processing Fees
- Building Permit Fees
- Temporary Building Bond
- Moved on Buildings
- Building Permit Fee Reduction
- Returned payments
A permit processing fee, as set out below, shall accompany an application made for a building permit. Permit processing fees are non-refundable and shall be credited to the building permit fee prior to issuance:
Construction value estimate is less than or equal to $20,000 $150 Construction value estimate is between $20,001 and $50,000 $450 Construction value estimate is between $50,001 and $100,000 $500 Construction value estimate is greater than $100,000 $1,000
The fees payable for a permit for construction, reconstruction, addition, extension, alteration and repair of any building or any other construction requiring a permit and not specifically listed here shall be as follows:
Building Permit Fees Base Fee on Value of Construction Fee Less than or equal to $20,000 $150 Greater than $20,000 $250 Additional Value of Construction Fees Fee Less than or equal to $20,000 nil Greater than $20,000 1% times value of construction Special Permit Fees Owner-built Permit and Conditional Certificate of Occupancy renewal $100 Demolition $150 Special Inspection Chimney or Fireplace or Solid Fuel Burning Appliances - separate construction $150 Temporary Building (plus a bond as required under Section 10(6)(c) (see Section 2 below) $150 Temporary Tent less than 35 square meters $50 Swimming Pool $150 Inspection and Other Permit Fees Confirmation of Title $15 Plumbing Inspections - each fixture $15 Plumbing fixtures in a factory built building - each fixture $10 Rain Water Leaders - each $10 Water service line $100 Sanitary sewer service line $100 Storm drain service line $100 Foundation drains $100 Fire Sprinklers - minimum fee plus $.40 per each head $50 Lawn Sprinklers - inspection for protection of potable water system $50 Recalled inspection - after third failed inspection $100 Contravention of 'Stop Work' order Double the total permit fees to a maximum of $750 Applicant extra inspection request $100 Restrictive Covenant Filing $250 Discharge of Notice of Bylaw Contravention Title Registration $500 Rescind a Stop Work or Do Not Occupy Notice $150 Permit Assign or Transfer Fee $50 Confirmation of Building Permit and Zoning Information per parcel $40
Security in the form of a standby irrevocable letter of credit without an expiry date or a certified cheque in the amount of $1,000 is required for removal of a Temporary Building in accordance with Section 10(6)(c )Moved on Buildings
The building permit for a moved on building shall be 50% of the amount calculated for a permit based on the value of construction shown above. Inspection and Other Permit fees shall apply at the rates shown above.Building Permit Fee ReductionWith respect to moved on buildings (not factory built) security in the form of a standby irrevocable letter of credit without an expiry date or a certified cheque for an amount equal to five percent of the appraised value to a maximum of $10,000 shall be provided as identified in Section 18(2) (d)
When a building permit is issued reliant upon the certification of a registered professional engineer or architect, the permit fee will be reduced by 5% of the fees payable, up to a maximum reduction of $500.00.Returned payments
A permit for which a cheque is returned to the Regional District of Nanaimo from the applicant's bank will be treated as unissued and no inspections will be completed until such time as the cheque is replaced with a certified cheque, cash or a money order and the fee for such NSF cheque as identified in Regional District of Nanaimo Bylaw No. 944 (and subsequent amendments), has been paid by the applicant.