Septage Receiving and Pump and Haul Service

Septage Receiving

Approximately 12,000 homes in the RDN use onsite systems, often septic systems, to treat wastewater. Periodically, septic tanks must be pumped out. After a tank is pumped out, septage may be taken to an RDN septage receiving facility for treatment and disposal.

On January 1, 2019, the regular septage disposal rate will increase from $0.24 per gallon to $0.25 per gallon. RDN Bylaw No. 1732 states that the septage disposal rate will increase by $0.01 per gallon, starting on January 1. The rate changes reflect the increasing cost of treating and disposing of septage.

The holding tank (pump and haul) user rate remains at $0.01 per gallon for approved customers.

Pump and Haul

Holding tank waste is less concentrated than septic tank waste (septage) and costs less to treat than regular septage. Holding tanks must also be pumped more frequently than septic tanks. The RDN offers a reduced rate to eligible properties with holding tanks. Click here to apply for a reduced septage disposal user rate

Permanent Rate Reduction
Typically pump and haul services are used by properties which cannot connect to public wastewater systems and are unable to obtain a conventional onsite system. Those using pump and haul services first obtain authorization from Island Health to install a holding tank for wastewater disposal.

Temporary Rate Reduction
Under certain circumstances, residents may apply for a reduced septage disposal user rate for up to 90 days if their onsite system has malfunctioned and will be repaired.

Information For Septage Haulers

Only septage from within RDN boundaries is accepted at RDN facilities. Each hauler must provide proof where the load came from to discharge to RDN facilities. We randomly sample the septage to ensure prohibited waste substances are not discharged.

The RDN audits the Pump and Haul discharges to confirm their eligibility for the reduced rate.

RDN septage receiving facilities are located at:

Pump and Haul
French Creek Pollution Control Center
957 Lee Road, Parksville
8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Saturday
8:00 am to 9:30 am on Sunday and Statutory Holidays

Chase River Pumping Station
1174 Island Highway, Nanaimo
7:00 am to 7:00 pm daily

  • Unless there is an emergency, no dumping is allowed after hours.
  • Note, your company will be charged if staff incur overtime for your after-hours request. Charges for this service are approximately $100 per hour.

Wastewater Services | 6300 Hammond Bay Road | Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2 | E-mail: rcu@rdn.bc.ca
Telephone: 250-390-6560 (Nanaimo) 250-954-3792 (Oceanside) 1-877-607-4111 (Toll Free)
1-800-862-3429 (Emergency) | 250-390-1542 (Fax)