Renewable Energy Systems

< Return to Rebates This program enables homeowners in RDN Electoral Areas and the District of Lantzville to save money while upgrading to energy efficient technology in their home.


Applicants must be homeowners in an RDN Electoral Area or the District of Lantzville. The following systems are eligible for this incentive:
  • Solar Hot Water
  • Photovoltaic
  • Geoexchange (ground-source or water-source)
  • Micro (under 1 kW) and small wind (1 to 10 kW)

How to Receive Your Rebate

Residents must provide the following documentation in order to receive the $250 incentive:
  • A copy of the invoice for the eligible renewable energy system installation, signed off by a qualified installer. On the invoice to the customer, installers must include:
    • details of the system, make and model number
    • qualification or certification the installer possesses
    • name of the certified person who installed and commissioned the system.
  • Photos of installed system.
Please make sure to also include the following information in your submission:
  • Name of purchaser/homeowner
  • Address of the project where the renewable energy system is installed
  • Address to which your rebate cheque will be sent (if different)
Effective April 1, 2015
In addition, a $400 rebate is available for renewable energy systems that require and obtain a development variance permit. Please include the development variance permit in your submission.

Submission must be made to the Regional District of Nanaimo by email, mail or in person at the RDN Administration Building:

Renewable Energy System Incentive
c/o Sustainability Coordinator
Regional District of Nanaimo
6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2

Terms & Conditions

  1. Eligible solar thermal collectors must be certified to CSAF378
  2. The solar thermal (hot water) system must be installed by a contracting company that has at least one CanSIA-certified installer on staff, trained to installation standard CSAF383.08. CanSIA certified installers are listed at: www.cansia.ca .
  3. Purchases of eligible products or services must be made after Program start date of May 1, 2013.
  4. See the complete list of Green Building Program Terms and Conditions.


For More Information:

250-390-6510 or 1-877-607-4111