Agricultural Advisory Committee
The RDN established an Agricultural Advisory Committee on August 26, 2008 to assist in a range of RDN initiatives, such as the preparation of an Agricultural Area Plan (AAP) and provide comments and recommendations to the Board on a range of agricultural issues.The role of the AAC is to increase awareness of agricultural issues in the RDN, assist in the implementation of the RDN AAP and other agricultural related initiatives, and provide local perspective and expertise to advise the Regional Board on a range of agricultural issues on an ongoing and as needed basis as directed by the Board.
Roles and Responsibilities
The AAC will, upon the Regional Board's direction, be responsible for advising the Regional Board on a number of initiatives including:- monitoring and evaluating the AAP and its implementation;
- preparing regular reports to the Board with RDN staff assistance;
- providing comments and recommendations to the RDN Board as it relates to agriculture on items including, but not limited to, the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS), Official Community Plans (OCP), Local Area Plans, reviews of RDN Zoning Bylaws, Parks and Trails Master Plans, Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Plans, Liquid Waste Management Plans, Rainwater Management Plans, noxious weed/insect control, and other items referred to the AAC by the Board upon request or as directed by Board policy;
- providing comments and recommendations on applications under the Agriculture Land Commission Act for exclusion, subdivision or non-farm use of ALR land;
- promoting public awareness of agriculture and its role and economic value in the community; and,
- advocating on behalf of the agricultural community.
The AAC will consist of a maximum of ten members appointed by the Regional Board representing a diverse range of interests including elected officials, commodity groups/producers, and established regional farming and aquaculture organizations. AAC members should reside, own property, or conduct business within the RDN.Membership representation will be as follows:
Community Members:Community members will be appointed by the Regional Board through an open application process. Members will be recruited through advertisements in local media, word of mouth, and use of the RDN website. In addition, direct invitations may be used to solicit participation by the specific interests listed above. Applications must demonstrate the applicant's interest in agriculture and ability to commit the necessary time to the AAC.Elected Members:
- Two members who actively participate in agriculture in District 68;
- Two members who actively participate in agriculture in District 69;
- Two members representing regional agricultural organizations;
- One member representing shellfish aquaculture organizations.
- One Electoral Area Director from District 68;
- One Electoral Area Director from District 69; and
- One Municipal Director.
The Regional Board will appoint two Electoral Area Directors and one Municipal Director as outlined above. The Board will designate one of the three Board representatives as the Chairperson for the AAC.
Non-Voting Advisors
The AAC may seek representatives from other organizations to advise the AAC, from time to time on an as needed basis, to provide expertise in response to the needs of the AAC.
The term of appointment for AAC members is two years. In order to allow staggering of Committee membership and allow for greater continuity for the AAC and its works, approximately half of the Community member terms will expire each year.No substitute members will be permitted. If a member must resign from the Committee, their position will be filled through the application process.
No remuneration for participation on the Committee is provided unless otherwise approved by the Board. However, if Committee activities coincide with meal times, meals may be provided.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Create a table as follows (note documents have been provided in the agendas and minutes folder). If you can think of a better way to provide this information please let me know. Maybe a drop down menu? We will want to make it easy to keep this table up to date when we provide you with the meeting minutes.
For more information on the activities of the Agricultural Advisory Committee please contact the RDN Planning Department.RDN Planning Department
6300 Hammond Bay Road Nanaimo
(250) 390-6510
250) 954-3798
or toll free1-877-607-4111