
Zoning The following Zoning Bylaws provide the land use and subdivision regulations for lands within the Regional District of Nanaimo:
  • Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw No. 500, 1987
    This Zoning Bylaw regulates land use for properties located within all Electoral Areas of the District, except Area 'B' (Gabriola Island), which is regulated by the Islands Trust; Area 'E' - Lakes District and Schooner Cove Neighbourhood Plan Areas; and Area 'F' (Errington, Coombs, Whiskey Creek & Hilliers).

  • Land Use and Subdivision Bylaw No. 500, 1987 (per PDA Bylaw No. 1692)
    This Zoning Bylaw regulates land use for properties located only within the Lakes District and Schooner Cove Neighbourhood Plan Areas in Electoral Area 'E' (Nanoose Bay), as secured through RDN Phased Development Agreement Bylaw No. 1692, 2013.

  • Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw No. 1285, 2002
    This Zoning Bylaw regulates land use for properties located only within Electoral Area 'F' (Errington, Coombs, Whiskey Creek & Hilliers).

These bylaws contain regulations outlining the specific zone of each parcel of land (including the surface of water) and how a property may be developed. The regulations determine what land uses are permitted on a property and include specific provisions such as the maximum number of dwelling units; the minimum setback and maximum height requirements of buildings and structures; and the maximum parcel coverage allowed on a lot. Minimum parcel sizes are also regulated in these bylaws.

Prior to purchasing property, obtaining house plans, considering a new land use, or undertaking construction of a building or structure, please contact the Planning Department to confirm the applicable zoning and land use regulations for a property.

All Zoning Bylaws are available for purchase from the Planning Department as follows:

Bylaw No. 500 - $25.00 plus tax for the text portion and $5.00 plus tax for each map. [Click here to view bylaw]

Bylaw No. 500 (per PDA Bylaw No. 1692) - $25.00 plus tax for the text portion and $5.00 plus tax for each map. [Click here to view bylaw]

Bylaw 1285 - $10.00 plus tax for the text and $20.00 for 1:20000 sized maps or $10.00 for reduced size. [Click here to view bylaw]

Have a question? Need more information?

Please contact the Planning Service Centre
Phone: 250-390-6510 (Nanaimo area) or 250-954-3798 (District 69) or?
toll free in BC 1-877-607-4111?
Fax: 250-390-7511 email: planning@rdn.bc.ca