Request for Tender

No. 19-006

Battery Removal - Regional Landfill (RL) And Church Road Transfer Station (CRTS)


February 4, 2019

Closing Location:

Regional District of Nanaimo
Main Reception - 2nd Floor
6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2
Submissions must be received at the closing location on or before 3:00PM (15:00 hrs), Pacific Time on February 14, 2019

Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) Contact for Questions:

Ben Routledge, Superintendent Scale and Transfer Service
Telephone: (250) 722-2044, Ext. 3225
Email: broutledge@rdn.bc.ca
Requested deadline for questions is three (3) business days before the closing date.