Invitation to Tenderers


The Coombs‐Hilliers Volunteer Fire Department is in need of a 42,000 US Gallon Fire Storage tank for non‐potable water supply for fire truck fill‐up.

Tenders are invited from qualified and experienced Contractors to supply and install a 42,000 US Gallon (1,000 BBL) horizontal skidded tank to the Coombs‐Hilliers Volunteer Fire Department located at:

3241 Alberni Highway,
Qualicum Beach, BC
V9K 1Y6

Closing Date/Time/Location

Bidders are requested to submit their Tender prior to the closing time of 3:00 PM (15:00 hrs), Pacific Time, December 6, 2018. Select one (1) of the Submission Methods below:

  1. By Email: With “Coombs – Hilliers Fire Department Water Storage Tank” as the subject line at this electronic address:


    Please note: Maximum email file size limit is 15MB, or less.

  2. By hand/courier delivery: One (1) copy of the Tender Form enclosed and sealed in an envelope clearly marked: “Coombs – Hilliers Fire Department Water Storage Tank” delivered to the:

    Regional District of Nanaimo
    Main Reception – Second Floor
    6300 Hammond Bay Road
    Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 6N2
    Attention: Regional Community Utilities
    Tenders received by facsimile will not be accepted. Tenders will not be opened in public.