Financial Reports

The information provided below includes all statutory reporting requirements for Regional Districts including audited financial statements, the Statement of Financial Information as well as additional financial plan summaries.

Financial Plans & Reports

The Regional Board has reviewed the 2019 Proposed Budget. The 2019 to 2023 Financial Plan will be developed and reviewed in early 2019. You are invited to attend meetings to provide your comments or alternatively, you may email your comments to inquiries@rdn.bc.ca and indicate in the subject line "2019 budget". All meetings are held in the Board Chambers at 6300 Hammond Bay Rd. Please contact Administrative Services at 250-390-4111 or toll free at 1-877-607-4111 at least five business days before a meeting if you wish to make a presentation. Additional information can be found under the RDN Budget Talks section of Get Involved RDN.

RDN Property Taxes

Prior Years

Other Financial Documents

Regional Hospital District