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Descanso Bay Regional Park Management Plan

Descanso Bay Regional Park - Gabriola Island
Management Plan for Descanso Bay Regional Park
A Management Plan for Descanso Bay Regional Park has been developed and was approved by the Regional Board at their December 9, 2003 meeting. The Management Plan includes policies that form the guiding framework for the day-to-day operations and longer-term management for the Park for the five years between 2004 and 2008. The plan details operational requirements for the Park Operator and administration requirements for the RDN. In addition, development actions that are intended to be undertaken within the five year time frame are identified as well as those actions that the RDN anticipate needs to be done beyond the term of this Plan.
- Section 1 – Executive Summary
- Section 2 – RDN Regional Parks
- Section 3 – Descanso Bay Regional Park
- Section 4 - Management Policies
- Section 5 – Operational and Administrative Requirements
- Appendix I – Facilities and Uses
- Appendix II – Capital Plan and Capital Projects
- Appendix III – Operating Guidelines
- Appendix III - Campground & Boat Launch Operations
- Appendix III - Facility Maintenance Standards
- Appendix III - Financial & Administrative Management
- Appendix IV - Ancillary Uses