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Parking Enforcement

Parking enforcement IN EFFECT at Jameson Road/Creekside Place

Directional signs at Jameson Rd

Map to Creekside Place parking lot
In the fall 2014 the Creekside Place Community Park parking lot was expanded and upgraded to fit 24 vehicles. Visitors are requested to drive 200m metres down the hill to the parking lot and then walk in.NO PARKING/TOWING
No Parking/Towing signs have also been installed, reminding people not to park along Jameson Rd or Creekside Place, but instead use the parking lot. Visitors are advised they risk being towed if parked on Jameson Road or Creekside Place.ENFORCEMENT
Enforcement is also happening with the RCMP conducting regular patrols of the area for traffic safety and parking compliance. Vehicles parked on Jameson Rd and Creekside Place will be towed at owners' expense.If your vehicle is towed...
- If you did park on Jameson Rd or Creekside Place and you come back to find your vehicle gone, check first with Mid Island Towing at 250.758.1728 (available 24/7) or call the 24-hour RCMP non-emergency line (250.754.2345).
- The vehicle owner is responsible to retrieve their towed vehicle from the towing compound and pay all fines and expenses.