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Little Qualicum River Regional Park Management Plan

Little Qualicum River Regional Park

Final Management Plan

The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) has completed the first management plan for the Little Qualicum River Regional Park (LQRRP) since its acquisition in 1999. The management plan guides operations, development, and stewardship of the property over a 10-year horizon, based on a comprehensive analysis of property values and public and stakeholder consultation. The plan was developed over 2012 and includes long-term vision and goals for the LQRRP and identifies shorter term management policies and actions for the period 2013-2023.
  • See the full Little Qualicum River Regional Park Management Plan and Appendices in the quick links section to the right.

Meadowood Community Park Design

Due to proximity and timeliness, the management plan process for the regional park was conducted together with the site design process for the adjacent Meadowood Community Park. Meadowood Community Park is a 9 ha property, half of which is forested, and the other half is open and exposed due to the former land use as a gravel extraction site.
  • To access the Meadowood Community Park Design go to the quick links section to the right.

Questions, Ideas or Concerns?

Please contact Renée Lussier, Parks Planner 250-248-4744 rlussier@rdn.bc.ca