External Appointments

Committee Appointment Alternate
Arrowsmith Water Service Management BoardB. RogersC. Gourlay
AVICC Special Committee on Solid WasteB. GeselbrachtD. Bonner
Central South RAC for Island Coastal Economic TrustI. Thorpe 
Englishman River Water Service Management BoardB. Rogers, C. Gourlay 
Island Corridor FoundationB. Geselbracht (Board Appointee)
A. Fras (RDN Member) *as of April 2019
Municipal Finance AuthorityJ. TurleyE. Mayne
Municipal Insurance AssociationD. BonnerS. Armstrong
Nanaimo Parks, Recreation & Wellness CommitteeK. Wilson (A)
V. Craig (B)
M. Young (C)
North Island 911 CorporationC. GourlayL. Salter
Oceanside Homelessness Task ForceL. SalterC. Gourlay
Parksville Qualicum Beach Tourism AssociationA. FrasB. Rogers
Qualicum First Nation Cooperation Protocol Working GroupI. Thorpe
T. Westbroek
Snuneymuxw First Nations/Regional District of Nanaimo Protocol Agreement Working GroupI. Thorpe
D. Bonner
V. Craig
M. Young
B. Geselbracht
Te’Mexw Treaty Negotiations CommitteeL. SalterB. Geselbracht
Vancouver Island Regional Library BoardV. CraigT. Brown

For more information on the activities of the RDN Board and its committees please contact Corporate Services

6300 Hammond Bay Road
Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 6N2

Telephone: (250) 390-4111 (Nanaimo)
Toll Free: 1-877-607-4111
Fax: (250) 390-4163
Email: inquiries@rdn.bc.ca