RDN Parks and Trails - Safety Notice
For more information please Click Here.The RDN is fortunate to have a comprehensive Regional and Community Parks and Trails System. With 12 Regional Parks encompassing 2,061 hectares of land, 60 kilometres of developed Regional Trail, and over 180 Community Parks in the seven Electoral Areas, there is plenty of opportunity for residents and guests to enjoy the benefits of having nature close at hand.
Our Parks System ranges from oceanfront, lakefront & riverside properties and all the way up to alpine terrain on mountain tops. The RDN’s Regional Trails include front county and back country experiences and has numerous pedestrian bridges that span the many rivers and creeks that are situated on the east coast of Vancouver Island.
Please try out the new Interactive Parks and Trails Finder
The RDN also has volunteer opportunities and parks planning initiatives to guide the future of RDN parks.
So come on out and explore our outdoors!
Parks Highlights
- Mount Benson Regional Park - Notice of Ongoing Construction
- Top Bridge Regional Trail – Notice of Partial Closure
- Notice of Improvements - TCT Timberlands Rd Parking Lot and Access Trail
- Coombs to Parksville Rail Trail - Updates & Status (Updated - September 17, 2018)
- Dunsmuir Community Park Update
- Benson Creek Falls Regional Park Access Improvements Project - Now Underway!

Report an RDN Parks or Trails Safety Concern
To advise us of a safety concern please complete this form or call 1-888-828-2069.