RDN Performance Recognition Program

The District 69 Recreation Commission recognizes local individuals and members of teams/ organizations who have won first place or a gold medal standing at a provincial, inter-provincial or national title for sport, artistic or cultural performance. Those recognized must be residents of the City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach or Electoral Areas "E", "F", "G", or "H".

Completed Recognition Forms should be dropped off at Oceanside Place, can be mailed or emailed to:

RDN Recreation and Parks
Oceanside Place
830 W. Island Highway
Parksville, BC V9P 2X4
Email recparks@rdn.bc.ca
Presentations will be made twice annually. Recognition forms received from May 1-October 31 will be considered for the fall presentation in November, and nominations received from November 1- April 30 will be considered for the Spring presentation.

Please note the November 2018 presentation will be postponed until June 20, 2019. All fall nominees will receive their gift certificate in December 2018 and be invited to attend the June 20, 2019 ceremony.

  • Click Here to download a copy of the Performance Recognition Program Form.