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Applying for a Building Permit

Building Permits are required for any new construction, alteration, addition or demolition of a structure in all Regional District of Nanaimo Electoral Areas. A registered owner or agent for the owner may apply for the building permit. Only complete applications will be accepted for processing.
Required Information:
A printable Schedule of Inspections is available here
Required for all applications:
- Two (2) copies of a Site Plan
- Two (2) copies of Construction Plans
- Riparian form
- Permit Processing Fee
Required supporting documents:
- Truss Layout
- Engineering schedules and/or reports
- Home Warranty Insurance (LCS)
- Septic Filing (from ROWP & accepted by VIHA)
- Hazardous Material Report Form, Survey & Clearance Letter
- Letter of Authorization
- BC Land Survey Certificate is required for all new construction within a residential zone of the applicable land use regulation prior to drainage inspection
- Plumbing Declaration (by or at Plumbing Inspection)
- Ventilation Checklist (by or at Framing Inspection)
- Electrical permit from Technical Safety BC (by or at Final/Occupancy Inspection) 1-866-566-7233
- Gas permit from Technical Safety BC (by or at Final/Occupancy Inspection) 1-866-566-7233
- Schedule C-B (by or at Final/Occupancy Inspection)