Making a Complaint

Bylaw Services Bylaw Services will receive complaints in the following manner:
  1. By telephone at 250-390-6559
  2. By fax at 250-390-6513
  3. By mail to 6300 Hammond Bay Rd, Nanaimo V9T 6N2
  4. By email to bylawservices@rdn.bc.ca

    For all of the above, please download and complete the following Complaint Form

  5. By on-line contact/complaint form - See form below

  6. For dog related complaints/inquiries in all Electoral Areas the toll free number is 1-888-754-1397
To make a complaint regarding an alleged violation of bylaw regulations, the Regional District of Nanaimo requires the complainant provide their name, address, and phone number, as well as their relationship to the issue that the complaint is regarding. Should the complainant not provide this information, no action will be taken by Bylaw Services.

Considerations to be taken when initiating a complaint:

ALL complainant information is considered to be confidential and will not be released to the person whose property is under complaint, unless under an order made by the Provincial Freedom of Information Commissioner (a rare occurrence). The Regional District of Nanaimo may also require a complainant to act as a witness, should it become necessary to settle a case in court. This is usually done as a last resort.

Once a complaint has been accepted, a Bylaw Enforcement Officer will conduct an investigation which will determine the appropriate course of action to be taken. Resolution of complaints may include a simple warning/request, a monetary fine or a legal action such as a Supreme Court injunction.

Often complaints are resolved amicably between neighbours. As a result, and if possible, it is recommended that residents of the Regional District of Nanaimo attempt to resolve their issues before contacting Bylaw Services for assistance.

Contact / Complaint Form
Event Date: 
Event Time: 
Your Name: 
Your Address: 
Your Email: 
Home Phone: 
Work Phone: 
Cell Phone: 
Address / Location of Event:
Owner or Resident of Property
where the event occured (if known):
Complaint Details:
Match Characters:
( Entering the matching characters )