RDN Emergency Plan
In 1995 the Regional District of Nanaimo, under the powers granted by the Local Government Act, the Emergency Program Act, Stats B.C. c.41, 1993, Index Chap. 105.1, created the Regional District of Nanaimo Emergency Program Bylaw Nos. 952 and 953, and 1416 (update version, 2005). These Bylaws authorized the creation of the original Emergency Plan that was formally adopted in 1998 and updated by staff in 2000, 2007 and 2013. It is understood that any Emergency Plan is a document requiring updates and revisions on a continuing basis to be the most effective tool to serve the public. The RDN Emergency Plan is intended to be the basis from which to maintain and build an effective, coordinated response to emergencies or disasters.These ongoing revisions are based upon the Incident Command System (ICS). ICS was originally developed as a fire response management system by various US states dealing with wildfire and interface wildfire situations. In addition, in the year 2000 the provincial standard for emergency management, known as the British Columbia Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS) was completed and has been implemented by a majority of emergency response agencies throughout the province. The RDN updated Plan has been developed using the BCERMS standard and follows this standard throughout.
To further assist our public in the event of an emergency that extends beyond the scope of the RDN, an Emergency Management Agreement has also been signed with the municipalities of Parksville, Nanaimo, and Qualicum Beach and Snuneymuxw, Nanoose and Qualicum First Nations to better aid in the event of a region wide disaster. This partnership enables the sharing of resources, and coordinated efforts to assist the public.
Ongoing partnerships and information sharing between agencies is paramount in the maintenance of the Emergency Plan, and keeping it current and responsive to the issues of the day.
Emergency Services | 6300 Hammond Bay Road | Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N2 | E-mail: emergencyservices@rdn.bc.ca
Telephone: 250-390-4111 (Nanaimo) 1-877-607-4111 (Toll Free) | 250-390-2757 (Fax)