District 69 (Oceanside) Recreation Services Master Plan
The RDN Recreation and Parks department has completed the final phase of developing a Recreation Services Master Plan for District 69 (Oceanside). In May of 2018 the RDN Board approved as a guiding document the District 69 (Oceanside) Recreation Services Master Plan for 2019 - 2029. Through July and September 2018 the District 69 Recreation Commission and RDN Board began the first review and made the following recommendations and motions to prioritize potential capital infrastructure projects:
Rubberized Track
It was moved and seconded that staff move forward with discussions with School District 69 (Qualicum), City of Parksville and Town of Qualicum Beach for a rubberized track, up to 8 lanes, to bring back for further review and consideration by the District 69 Recreation Commission and RDN Board.
Pool Discussion
It was moved and seconded that staff proceed to prepare a concept plan to advance the addition of a second 25m tank and expanded change rooms at the Ravensong Aquatic Centre.
Confirmation of Multiplex Vision
It was moved and seconded that a centralized land purchase strategy be developed and implemented for a future indoor/outdoor sport recreation facility complex for the Oceanside area.
Formation of D69 Recreation Commission Infrastructure Planning Sub-Committee
It was moved and seconded that a District 69 Recreation Commission Infrastructure Planning Sub-Committee be formed after the 2018 election.
Staff will now begin work on providing both the District 69 Recreation Commission and RDN Board a strategy, timeline and financial plan required to move these prioritized projects forward.
To find out more visit: www.getinvolved.rdn.ca/recmasterplan or contact:
Dean Banman, Manager of Recreation Services
Recreation and Parks Department